Google Email Uploader on Vista x64

I am currently importing a few thousand email messages from Outlook 2007 to my email account hosted on Google Apps. Google provides an Email Uploader utility, and it is easy to use, but getting it to work with Outlook 2007 on Vista x64 was less than trivial.

The utility installed fine on my Vista x64 system, but it found no mailboxes to import. A little research showed that several other people using Vista x64 and Outlook 2007 have exactly the same problem.

Since Google kindly publishes the source for the tool, I decided to have a look. Turns out it was a relatively simple fix to get it to work.

The main application is a C# .NET application, with the build properties for the target set to “Any CPU”. This means that on a x86 / WIN32 system it will be a 32bit process and on x64 / WIN64 system it will be a 64bit process.

The problem is that the application also uses two mixed mode DLLs, and these DLLs are compiled for x86 / WIN32. When running the main EXE on Vista x64, the process is a 64bit process, and that fails to load the 32bit DLLs. The fix was simple, change the build target from “Any CPU” to “x86”.

I also had to fix a couple other small things in order to get the “Release” build to compile correctly. The DLLs are written in C++, but for some reason the developers used .MH and .MCC extensions instead of the standard .H and .CPP extensions. The “Debug” build had set custom build properties for .MCC files, and associated the files with the C++ compiler. Once I did the same for the “Release” build, the project compiled.

The last change was to set the Outlook import DLL linker options to delay load MAPI32.DLL.

You can download the binaries from here, simply extract and run.
Please remember that I provide no warranty at all, I did minimal testing, so use at your own risk.

I hope Google makes these easy changes to the main source branch so future official versions also support Outlook 2007 on Vista x64.


  1. Dirky says:

    Hi Pieter,thanks for your work on this. Oddly I dont see any messages in my mailbox in Outlook? I see the messages in my Exchange account but it shows as [0] messages in the IMAP mailbox I want to upload.Any ideas why this might be?I am using Outlook 2007 and Vista x64.Many thanksMike


  2. Thanks Pieter – it’s working for me from Thunderbird 2.0 on Vista 64bit. It still stops quite often all by itself, and I have to restart it to continue — but I think the current Google version does that, too (as well as taking FOREVER to get through all the emails).


  3. laqrhead says:

    Hi Peter,I’d just like to let you know that this works Windows XP 64bit and Thunderbird 2.Thanks for this.


  4. chris says:

    This is working in Windows 7 (7077) 64-bit for me.


  5. TJ says:

    Works great on x64 Vista Ultimate! Thanks!


  6. Alex says:

    Even simpler: Install the .NET Framework SDK 2.0 and run corflags /32bit+ GoogleEmailUploader.exe (that is, on the main executable) from the SDK prompt!


  7. Hi, I am glad to see so many people are finding this useful. For those having problems uploading email, I only changed the compilation options, I did not make any functional changes.That means that this version will work on x64, but does not have any other bugs fixed. For bug fixes, and getting x64 support in the main version, please post on the Google Email Uploader Group:


  8. The Wades says:

    Thank you, I have been spending half of the morning trying to figure out why this tool wasn’t working on 50% of the systems here.


  9. jcumberland says:

    Thanks for posting this. It did crash the first time I ran it and attempted to load my outlook folders, but compared to Google not finding any folders at all in Outlook, it’s a big improvement (though like the earlier posts stated, the tool from Google is horrendously slow-my first 5 test e-mails took about 4 minutes to upload, and I don’t think they were tremendously large).


  10. Hi PieterI ran your version of the uploader on a Vista x64 Home Premium installation. The uploader get to a point where I can see the mailbox and the # messages in it, clicking next after the label/archive screen however takes me directly to an upload stopped screen.Any ideas what might be happening here?ThanksKapil Apshankar


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