CrashPlan throws in the towel … for home users

Today CrashPlan, my current online backup provider, announced on Facebook of all places, that they threw in the towel, and will no longer provide service to home users. The backlash was heated, and I found the CEO’s video message on the blog post rather condescending. I’ve been a long time user of online backup providers,Continue reading “CrashPlan throws in the towel … for home users” 404 With Blogger Permalinks

Part of the research I did before migrating from Blogger to, was to make sure that current Blogger permalinks will resolve correctly once the old posts were imported into At the time all seemed fine, but soon after migrating, I received alerts from Google Webmaster Tools that there is an increase in siteContinue reading “ 404 With Blogger Permalinks”

CrashPlan Memory Utilization

I’ve been using CrashPlan as an online backup solution for quite some time, and it works really well. I like the fact that I can subscribe to the consumer plan, with almost 3.5TB of data backed up, and that the backup client installs on a server OS. Many of the other “unlimited” backup providers IContinue reading “CrashPlan Memory Utilization”

From Blogger to WordPress

I outlined my concerns with Blogger in my last post, and after much deliberation, I decided to move my blog from Blogger to WordPress. There are two main choices; use for full service blog hosting, or use and host the WordPress application at a hosting provider. Here is a summary describing the differences.Continue reading “From Blogger to WordPress”

Unlimited online backup providers becoming extinct

I just received an email from ElephantDrive informing me that my legacy unlimited storage account will be terminated in 30 days, and that I must select a new plan. In July 2009 ElephantDrive announced that they are no longer offering their $100 per year unlimited storage plan. ElephantDrive is now offering a $200 per yearContinue reading “Unlimited online backup providers becoming extinct”

Trend Micro SafeSync, neat, but unreliable

I wanted to write about Trend Micro SafeSync, but it reminded me of my Streamload experience, and I ended up writing this instead. This time I am really going to write about SafeSync. SafeSync is another online backup and sync and share application. Actually, they offer both online storage through a mapped drive, and syncingContinue reading “Trend Micro SafeSync, neat, but unreliable”

Will your online backup or sync and share provider survive?

I have been using online backup for many years. I won’t call myself an expert, experienced maybe, but I have tried almost all online backup and sync and share services. My biggest concern is still the longevity and trustworthiness of the provider. My biggest disappointment is definitely Streamload. Streamload was a great service, they providedContinue reading “Will your online backup or sync and share provider survive?”

How difficult can it be to transfer a .name domain?

How difficult can it be to transfer a .name domain? I was reading an article where it was noted that .name names can now be used for OpenID registrations. With a little more research I found that the sites only supported new registrations, unfortunately they did not support transfers. Several years ago when the .nameContinue reading “How difficult can it be to transfer a .name domain?”